Market Commentary

Curiouser and Curiouser... and Curiouser

Curiouser and Curiouser… and Curiouser

Angels on the sideline,Baffled and confused.Father blessed them all with reason,And this is what they choose? – Right in Two (Tool). At the end of January 2018, we highlighted how a number of seemingly contradictory things were happening in US asset markets; shortly thereafter the Dow Jones Index fell around 13% peak to trough in the space of just 5 trading days. We appear to back in twilight zone mode once again – in the last week, both the Dow and the S&P 500 have achieved major Index milestones (27000 and 3000 respectively) and are already heading towards the next “psychological” levels at what appears to be escape velocity.

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Currency Wars Breaking Out?

Currency Wars Breaking Out?

“Currency Manipulation is what Bertrand Russell called an “emotive conjugation” and Bernard Woolley called an “irregular verb”:* I am cutting interest rates* You are trying to achieve a competitive devaluation* He/she/it is manipulating their currency to obtain an unfair advantage”. – John Kemp (Analyst)

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Markets refuse to fall

Markets refuse to fall

“If there must be madness, something may be said for having it on a heroic scale” – J.K Galbraith (The Great Crash of 1929). There has been plenty of negative news over the last few months and an even bigger list of issues over the last year or so, but (US) markets appear blithely unconcerned; despite the litany of calls for a decline, (or a crash), nothing appears to dent sentiment and the buying continues.

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Inflation of Expectations

Inflation of Expectations

One of the major problems Advisors (and ourselves) face is the expectations of clients. Fuelled by the relentless media focus on outsized gains in some individual assets, (mostly equities), investors imagine that these gains are easily made and thus they should get involved too. The fact is that they are abnormal (or they would not be news at all), but that is not what the media imply. Of course, fund managers are happy to play along, as they judge that this increases the interest in their products and this article contributes to this phenomenon, with the fund manager telling us that Inflation plus 5% is a “realistic and achievable goal”. The chart below does not break down the asset class exposure, but it can be found here.

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Burning Down the House

Burning Down the House

Hubris is interesting because you get people who are often very clever, very powerful, have achieved great things, and then something goes wrong – they just don’t know when to stop – Margaret MacMillan (Canadian historian and Oxford University Professor). [The following analysis focusses on equities for the sake of brevity, but the points made are equally relevant to Bond Index funds and ETFs].

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Next in Line for the Chop?

Next in Line for the Chop?

“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive, but those who can best manage change.” ― Leon C. Megginson (Business Professor 1991-2010). The price war between asset managers has been fierce in recent years but has been more aggressively fought in the passive arena- as this article noted late last year, Active fees have fallen by less than those of Passive funds, despite starting from a higher base. Like an eye-witness to a major catastrophe, the Active managers appear to be in a state of numbed incomprehension, unable to process what is happening to them. Meanwhile “feemageddon” as it has been dubbed, rolls on relentlessly; Passive funds have taken huge bites out of Active Manager’s assets, as investors wise up to the cost (as well as the returns) differentials.

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The Politics of Trade

The Politics of Trade

“We have to work towards free trade because otherwise we will miss out on many opportunities for cooperation, and relations amongst countries will become much more difficult” – Lee Hsien Loong (Prime Minister of Singapore).

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Eddies Under the Surface

Eddies Under the Surface

With the S&P 500 Index having just touched all-time highs and Donald Trump deciding that now is a good time to demand a cut in interest rates by 1% and to re-start QE, contrasting their timidity with that of the Chinese Central Bank, averring that the US economy would go up “like a rocket” if they followed his advice. This would appear to be akin to fighting a fire with gasoline, but that doesn’t mean the Fed won’t do it anyway, (though not this week it seems!)Outside of US markets, however, things are not quite so rosy, as indicated by the fact that the MSCI World Index ex-US Index is nearly 11% below its highs (reached in January 2018), and nearly 20% below its 2007 highs, indicating that, once again, the US is leading the charge higher.

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China, Debt and the Rest of the World

China has become an increasingly important player in the Global economy in recent years. As the economy has grown, its effect on world liquidity has also expanded. In the middle of February, the Bank of China announced that “Total Social Financing” (a metric that includes Renminbi loans to the real economy as well as Shadow Banking credit growth), exploded by a factor of three, to 4.64 trillion Yuan ($685 billion). The amount of outstanding loans in the Chinese financial system is now $30 trillion, more than double the GDP of that country. This has more than offset the declines seen in 2018, suggesting that the Government has once more opened the credit spigot, possibly in response to the economic slowdown caused by the on-going US/China trade dispute.

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