InSight Reports

What are ebi’s InSight reports?
InSight reports provide detailed comparative analysis of ebi’s portfolios in relation to a portfolio or fund from the wider investment universe, providing insights into performance, drawdown, holdings, fixed income and equity exposures, and ESG metrics.
They are provided free of charge to ebi members, with our in-house investment team experienced in analysing a wide range of investment funds, portfolios, and models, and providing focused qualitative commentary.

How do advisers find them useful?
ebi’s Insight reports provide a depth of comparative portfolio analysis that we believe to be unmatched in the UK model portfolio service (MPS) space.
They are constructed for each request, with our investment team analysing the data, and producing charts and visualisations to bring the numbers to life. The team then provide a targeted qualitative commentary and review.
Advisers typically find two main uses for InSight reports:
1 Advisers who are hoping to use ebi’s portfolios or make greater use of ebi’s portfolios, and would like to compare them to the existing portfolios that they are currently using for their clients.
2 Advisers who are seeking to win new client business, and would like to compare ebi’s portfolios to the prospective client’s existing solution.

Adviser Benefits
A professional and
detailed portfolio analysis
for end clients
Overview provided by
ebi’s Investment
Analysis team
Freeing up valuable
adviser time
– to spend with clients
Here are a couple of the testimonials we’ve received
in relation to InSight reports:
“The new research is fantastic!
It has helped win a new case
from a competitor today.”
“There is far more information in those
reports than I was expecting to receive.
Expectations thoroughly exceeded.”