ESG Investing

Biodiversity – why it matters, and how to consider in a portfolio

Unfortunately, global biodiversity is experiencing a rapid decline. The World Wildlife Fund’s “2022 Living Planet Report” reported an average 69% fall in global populations of mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, and amphibians since 1970. While the 2019 Global Assessment Report by the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services found that 1 million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction, the highest number in human history, with many species expected to go extinct within decades. Read our blog to to find out more.

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How ESG are the ESG fund providers?

How ESG are the ESG fund providers?

One could argue that good ESG starts at home, and not just with a product range. As demand and awareness around environmental, social and governance factors grow, ETF providers are under increasing pressure to showcase their own good practices.Fund houses will also have to become more transparent on ESG, whether they like it or not. By 2020, the European Commission will require investment houses to disclose how they integrate ESG opportunities and risks into their processes to stop funds being labelled as ESG when they normally wouldn’t qualify – otherwise called ‘greenwashing’.

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